Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I have missed Jesus

I accidentally cut Him out of my ministry. I got so busy talking about Him to other people and doing the missionary thing that I had forgotten to incorporate Him in my life. I teach English class and talk with Alex about Him. I tell Aidee how powerful He is. I go to small groups and church but I had not spent time with him. Tonight i decided to finish the video sermon I tried to watch this morning. It was so great. It talked about having Jesus as your Shepard. I remembered why i am here. i remembered how much I lack but how great He is in me. I started listening to some worship services they have posted online. It has been great. Than i was talking to Zane online.
trueoreo12 (10:18:27 PM): tell me something good something true
SoarinEagles2005 (10:19:42 PM): Good funny or just all around good?
trueoreo12 (10:20:18 PM): all around good
SoarinEagles2005 (10:22:30 PM): You're not alone
trueoreo12 (10:23:30 PM): oh.... for some reason... that was what I needed tonight

It is so easy to let big truths slip my mind. I get so caught up in the vocabulary of church. I know I am not alone. It has been an overall good day. Because i have chosen to start and end it with Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I think I even needed to hear that. it's so great and a relief when those simple yet big truths are revealed (again).

Anonymous said...

One of the Devil's greatest tools is tunnerl vision. We are so focused on where we're walking and going that we fail to see the Lord walking beside us. We think we have to be looking forward to move forward, but God says to seek first His kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well. When we are walking with the Lord we end up right where we need to be even though we didn't know where we were going.