Friday, September 14, 2007


So I have been stressed out a whole bunch lately. There are many things that factor into this butin the large scheme I am scared taht if I have this MRI it is going to say that I am to hurt to complete this program and that I need to go home and have surgery. So I have been having to work through all the emotions that are involved with that in addition to keeping up with school work and getting enough sleep and dealing with doctors on the phone and balancing some form of a social life. (I have never had friend before I moved here who have told me"lets just play it by ear" I think I hate that line as much as I hate "be flexible," "after AIM" and "bummer")

Some good things have come out of this though. I met with Ben Walker yesterday, the AIM counselar, and he told me to make a worry journal. I am only allowed to worry for 30 minutes a day. I must find an alone place and write down all my worries for 30 minutes than I am to pray over them and shut the book and I am not allowed to open it again until the next day for my "worry session." At other points in the day when I catch myself worrying I have to focus on something else that the Lord has blessed me with. I will eventually trainmy mind to only allow myself to think about worrying when I allow myself to. I think this may help. I am going to start this afternoon/eveningish.

I made my first newsletter last night I am really excited to get to mail those out soon. I need e-mail addresses so i can send some of them out that way and save on postage and trees.

I am happy though. I am about to go to the doctor to set up the MRI. I think when the MRI is done and I know something for sure and I have a goal I am working towards that will help me out a lot.

Also I lost my cell phone but we are working on it.

Christ's bond servant,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Play it by ear??? What is this some first run through a musical? No. Play it by prayer. That's what I say. Oh and get a new phone or something so you can call me and I can make you laugh and tell you blind jokes so you're mad at me and have no time to worry about these things that are plaguing you. Where God guides He provides: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you... Fro I am the Lord your God... you are precious in my sight... and I love you." Isaiah 43:2-4